Category Archives: SENSITISATION SESSIONS in Schools and Colleges

LGBTQIA+ Awareness at Step By Step School

Mr. Suri and our team members were invited by Step By Step School, Noida, on November 3rd for a session with the students. Mr. Suri shared his experiences as a queer child in school and other educational institutes, and some tips on how we can make schools a safe space for queer individuals. Our other […]

Interaction Visit by Students from Step By Step School, Noida

An inspiring day of bonding and mutual understanding! Step by Step School students came together with our neurodiverse team members for a delightful session filled with laughter, empathy, and shared experiences. Collectively, we delved into the challenges and paved the way for a more inclusive future. ?

Collaborating with Connecting Dreams Foundation – Dyal Singh College Chapter

The Dyal Singh Chapter of Connecting Dreams Foundation invited KSF to collaborate with them on their Project Afreen – Out and Proud, an initiative to raise awareness about the LGBTQIA+ community. September 20th saw the launch of their project at Dyal Singh College, wherein members from KSF were requested to be a part.


A sensitization and awareness session was conducted at The LaLiT Suri Hospitality School, Badkal on 7th December 2022. The discussion revolved around the basics of diversity, equity, and inclusion. We also talked about the importance of making educational campuses an inclusive space for everyone, and how to achieve that to a certain extent. Zayn from […]

Awareness Session at DME College, Noida

We were invited to take a gender sensitization session at the Delhi Metropolitan Education College, Noida. The audience members were active participants as they raised some important questions throughout the session. One of the members of our team also shared their experiences.


We were invited to take a Gender Sensitization session at ABES Engineering College, Ghaziabad on September 23. The students of the college put up an extremely emotional play focusing on bullying faced by queer people. We discussed the importance of diversity and inclusion and how to make institutions safe for the queer community as well […]

CIS Annual Symposium II

 Maya the Drag Queen participated in Canadian International School’s 2nd Annual Symposium for Inclusivity. The students participated in an exclusive interactive session with Maya where she talked about the LGBTQIA+ community and the efforts made by KSF to embrace, empower and mainstream the LGBTQ+ community.

IILM in conversation with Mr. Keshav Suri, New Delhi

Continuing with our movement to create awareness and sensitize youth about sexual diversity, Mr. Keshav Suri spoke on ‘Entrepreneurship, the Hotel Business and Social Activism: My Ongoing Journey.’ on April 3, 2019 at Institute of Integrated Learning and Management.